201 Created: a common return code for a successful HTTP POST (or PUT in idempotent creations)
202 Accepted: request was accepted, but has not fully been processed, yet. A common code to return for asynchronous calls.
304 Not Modified: There was no new data to return (think: cache). <-- This is very important!
400 Bad Request: Invalid Request. Error message will be returned to provide further details.
401 Unauthorized: Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect.
403 Forbidden: Valid request that was refused. Attempt to access a resource that the client does not have permission to. Error message will be returned to provide further details.
404 Not Found: The URL requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a document or a user, does not exists.
406 Not Acceptable: Returned when parameters passed are correct in theory and individually, but when combined can not be satisfied because the combination makes no sense (e.g. cart_id from one user is used with a user_id from another user). If possible, an error message will be returned to provide further details.
500 Internal Server Error: Something went horribly wrong and we were not smart enough to provide more details :) Hopefully a very rare response code.
503 Service Unavailable: Servers are offline for maintenance or went down under load (oops).
200 OK: Success!
201 Created: a common return code for a successful HTTP POST (or PUT in idempotent creations)
202 Accepted: request was accepted, but has not fully been processed, yet. A common code to return for asynchronous calls.
304 Not Modified: There was no new data to return (think: cache). <-- This is very important!
400 Bad Request: Invalid Request. Error message will be returned to provide further details.
401 Unauthorized: Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect.
403 Forbidden: Valid request that was refused. Attempt to access a resource that the client does not have permission to. Error message will be returned to provide further details.
404 Not Found: The URL requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a document or a user, does not exists.
406 Not Acceptable: Returned when parameters passed are correct in theory and individually, but when combined can not be satisfied because the combination makes no sense (e.g. cart_id from one user is used with a user_id from another user). If possible, an error message will be returned to provide further details.
500 Internal Server Error: Something went horribly wrong and we were not smart enough to provide more details :) Hopefully a very rare response code.
503 Service Unavailable: Servers are offline for maintenance or went down under load (oops).