WhiteHouse / buildmanager

Note: This project is in active development. Documentation may not be totally up to date. Stable release (and corresponding documentation) hopefully coming soon.
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Update documentation. Recommend new Drush Make contrib_destination property over --no-recursion. #8

Open bryanhirsch opened 10 years ago

bryanhirsch commented 10 years ago

Drush Make now supports a contrib_destination property. https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/pull/582

Recommend organizing contrib projects like this: https://github.com/DrupalLadder/rhymesdistro/blob/master/drupal-org.make

Update example here: https://github.com/WhiteHouse/buildmanager/blob/master/README.md#example-3-managing-my-instance-of-a-distro-i-maintain-with-buildmake