WhiteHouse / cyber-acquisitions

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Update index.md #25

Open MBDA-Inc opened 9 years ago

MBDA-Inc commented 9 years ago

Rationale for recommended changes:

  1. Cyber Incident Reporting, 2nd para. 1st bullet: delete "but itself" -- words are not necessary and inject ambiguity into the sentence.
  2. Cyber Incident Reporting, 5th para. Edit of second sentence to read "All known cyber incidents in contractor internal systems must be reported to the contracting office of the affected agency and/or organization if they involve CUI in the system, but the contractor does not have to report all known or suspected cyber incidents." and the deletion of the 4 bullets -- This policy will apply to contractors regardless of contracting tier relationship (1st tier sub, 2nd tier sub, etc.) and therefore there may not be a designated SOC for them to report to and/or restrictions as to who within the Gov't they may communicate with, and it would seem appropriate to level the reporting requirement on and to the contracting agency affected by the cyber incident and work it through that chain.
  3. Information Security Continuous Monitoring, 4th para.: delete "continuous" -- NIST.SP.800-171, para. 3.12.3 requires that nonfederal entities "Monitor information system security controls on an ongoing basis to ensure the continued effectiveness of the controls" that is not the same as Continuous Monitoring.