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We the Entities #9

Closed yoni closed 11 years ago

yoni commented 11 years ago

I've created a new API for extracting entities, locations, sentiment and more from petition data. I hope that other folks can use this API to augment their apps with rich data from the petition text.

This is currently in rough form, so I'm eager to get people's feedback, ideas, pull requests and usage examples. I'll continue working on it this weekend, so please expect the API to change A LOT.

The live app and an example call to the API:

http://www.wetheentities.org/ http://www.wetheentities.org/petitions/51942b9b2f2c888e2f00000c.json

The codebase and issues:

https://github.com/yoni/wetheentities https://github.com/yoni/wetheentities/issues

Best, @yoni

bryanbraun commented 11 years ago

Yoni, this is really great.

yoni commented 11 years ago

Thanks @bryanbraun!

I've added a couple of examples to the app. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

eshtadc commented 11 years ago

Thanks @yoni. I was just realizing how much something like this was necessary to be able to progress with the work I want to do and you magically posted at the right moment! Fantastic.

yoni commented 11 years ago

@lkhaas i'd love to see what you're working on! again, feel free to ping me with feature requests or any issues. i'd love to help make this usable.

yoni commented 11 years ago

Please send me links to your apps so that I can add them to the examples page for We the Entities. :)

ivanstegic commented 11 years ago

WTP Instant Search Repo: https://github.com/ivanstegic/wethepeople-instantsearch

WTP Instant Seatch Github page: http://ivanstegic.github.io/wethepeople-instantsearch

stevegrunwell commented 11 years ago

Project: https://github.com/buckii/we-the-people-wordpress Presentation: http://stevegrunwell.github.io/we-the-people-wordpress-talk/

ivanstegic commented 11 years ago

@lkhaas Yes, you can actually get the JSONP request using .js instead, like this:


ivanstegic commented 11 years ago

@lkhaas Actually, this is the right one:


yoni commented 11 years ago

Thanks @ivanstegic. I'll be sure to update the documentation with that!

yoni commented 11 years ago

@stevegrunwell do you happen to have a screenshot with entity or sentiment stuff in it? otherwise, i'll use the one you posted on the WH gallery issue.

yoni commented 11 years ago

@stevegrunwell @ivanstegic OK this should be in the docs now. Thanks for the feedback people, and keep it coming. :)

stevegrunwell commented 11 years ago

@yoni Shoot, I think my last comment ended up on the wrong thread. My plugin isn't using We The Entities (at least not at this point), please feel free to disregard. Great work though, WTE is an awesome extension to WTP!

yoni commented 11 years ago

@stevegrunwell understood. i removed it.

i'd still love to get WTE integrated into your plugin, though! :)

yoni commented 11 years ago

I've updated the domain name for the app to: http://www.wetheentities.org/

The previous domain name should still work, but I suggest that you point your apps to the new one at your earliest convenience.