WhiteMagic / JoystickGremlin

A tool for configuring and managing joystick devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Exception during savin / loading profile #487

Open LCHMetalex opened 1 year ago

LCHMetalex commented 1 year ago


nouveau 1.txt


Hello Happened while saving my profile (i load it there in txt). after that, the profile is like "corrupted": I can't save the profile anymore (the message keeps showing), I can't load another profile, I can't create a new profile all that as long as the corrupted profile is loaded. If I close joystickGremlin, move the corrupted profile elsewhere in the explorer and try to import it again, it will work for THIS import only and I go back to the same troubles after that. I close the soft, and move the corrupted profile elswhere, I'm able create a new profile or load a non-corrupted one and everythings work back. But the corrupted profile is still unsavable and the error could occurs after a while on an uncorrupted profile. those troubles never occured till today and I'm now unable to use this soft.

I use it with vJoy and AutoWhitelister

silverdragonhawk commented 1 month ago

I am having the same issues, both with 13.3 and 13.3 debug. I'm using a joystick, rudder pedals, a game controller. yesterday I had no issues, hadn't changed any mappings since the other day, yesterday I saved the profile, cause I'm a little paranoid, lol, and today I run the program and have the same issues you do. Only difference between yours and mine is I'm not using autowhitelister, I'm using vjoy and HIDHide. As I installed all 3 programs about 4 days ago, all are at the latest version. But yeah, same issues, can't save, or load profile, closed joystick gremiln, moved currently selected profile to another location, able to load a different profile. installed 131.3 debug, same thing, able to load different profile, loaded the 'corrupted' profile, and had same issues, can't save, and can't load another profile. Yet, I can click the activate button and use the 'corrupted' profile as control responses show up in Input Viewer as they should.

WhiteMagic commented 1 month ago

The usual cause for the serialization problem is an empty entry somewhere that does not prevent Gremlin from running but when trying to load or serialize it things go awry. The only way to fix such a profile is to find the offending entry and remove/correct it. Though that can be tricky with large profiles or when you're not really familiar with what normal and abnormal entries look like.

silverdragonhawk commented 1 month ago

I'll do some digging, thank you.

silverdragonhawk commented 1 month ago

The usual cause for the serialization problem is an empty entry somewhere that does not prevent Gremlin from running but when trying to load or serialize it things go awry. The only way to fix such a profile is to find the offending entry and remove/correct it. Though that can be tricky with large profiles or when you're not really familiar with what normal and abnormal entries look like.

I know almost nothing about programming, but could it be a command or an argument or something in my voice attack profile that is conflicting with Joystick Gremlin?

WhiteMagic commented 1 month ago

No nothing another program does can cause this. There are some weird sequence of events that can cause Gremlin to mangle a profile. I never managed to figure out what actually causes it however.