Whitebrim / VSCode-PlaydateTemplate

This template will help you with autocompletion and running your code in simulator. Windows & Linux.
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Windows 11: Error checking and log output not working #20

Open pforhan opened 5 months ago

pforhan commented 5 months ago

I can't explain it but the Build and Run (Simulator).ps1 command in powershell or vscode terminal just won't display any log output and won't abort on errors. For example here I added a space to break syntax

    math.rand omseed(playdate.getSecondsSinceEpoch()) -- seed for math.random
 *  Executing task: & 'C:\dev\playlords\Build and Run (Simulator).ps1' -build 'C:\dev\playlords\builds' -source 'C:\dev\playlords\source' -name 'playlords' 

    Directory: C:\dev\playlords

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----         4/24/2024  10:06 PM                builds
error: C:\dev\playlords\source/main.lua:9: syntax error near 'omseed'

even with this error it runs the simulator. Even if it can't find pdc.exe it will still try to run the simulator

pforhan commented 5 months ago

I tried manually inserting echo or printf or Write-Host commands and still couldn't get any of their output to show.

pforhan commented 5 months ago

I should mention, it does generally work, it's just less informative than perhaps it was intended to be