WhitewaterFoundry / Fedora-Remix-for-WSL

Fedora Remix for Windows Subsystem for Linux.
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Black screen of death when installing Fedora on Windows 11 #136

Open mrbetta opened 2 years ago

mrbetta commented 2 years ago

Replicate: Install Windows 11 fresh from a USB drive on a Surface Book 2. Install all Windows Update patches. Run wsl --install to install WSL feature requirements Set default version of WSL to 1 using wsl --set-default-version 1 Download Fedora from the Windows store Run it. You will get a message that it is installing After installation it will ask for a username and password. Enter it. Shortly after the computer will black screen of death crash. Error MEMORY_MANAGEMENT.

mrbetta commented 2 years ago

Event Viewer error: Log Name: System Source: Microsoft-Windows-WER-SystemErrorReporting Date: 10/14/2021 6:18:07 PM Event ID: 1001 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: SB2 Description: The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000001a (0x0000000000042001, 0xffffa4050a7c1250, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: b3f880e0-838d-41cc-b0f0-feb28fc524d8. Event Xml:

1001 0 2 0 0 0x80000000000000 3242 System SB2 0x0000001a (0x0000000000042001, 0xffffa4050a7c1250, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP b3f880e0-838d-41cc-b0f0-feb28fc524d8
mrbetta commented 2 years ago

Doesn't happen with Ubuntu.

BlueScreenView shows an ntoskrnl memory address.

Screenshot 2021-10-14 183939

mrbetta commented 2 years ago

Running Fedora after booting from the black screen gives error:

Unpacking Fedora Remix for WSL, this may take a few minutes... WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x8000000d Error: 0x8000000d An illegal state change was requested.

Press any key to continue...

Removing and reinstalling crashes in the same place every time.

crramirez commented 2 years ago

Hello @mrbetta ,

Something is happening in WSL1 with Windows 11. It has been reported here https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/7480

Thanks for reporting this gives more detail.

I saw this error in dnf with an already installed distro.

I'll push for this to be resolved soon.

Do you have any way to install using WSL2 and the switch?

Regards, Carlos

mrbetta commented 2 years ago

Okay, thanks. Sounds like you're on it.

I could probably use WSL2, but 1 does everything I need and kind of prefer it. I can just wait until it's fixed.

I'm happy to provide any more info to help narrow it down.

crramirez commented 2 years ago


crramirez commented 1 year ago

This issue was fixed in the Windows 11 22h2