WhitewaterFoundry / Fedora-Remix-for-WSL

Fedora Remix for Windows Subsystem for Linux.
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about ${HOME}/.wslconfig error #210

Open NightmareZero opened 7 months ago

NightmareZero commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug Every time this distribution starts up, it reports an error similar to this. Other distributions, such as Ubuntu, do not have this issue.

wsl: Expected ']' in C:\Users\xx\.wslconfig:6
wsl: Invalid key name in C:\Users\xx\.wslconfig:7
wsl: Expected '=' in C:\Users\xx\.wslconfig:8
wsl: Expected '=' in C:\Users\xx\.wslconfig:9
wsl: Invalid key name in C:\Users\xx\.wslconfig:10
wsl: Expected '=' in C:\Users\xx\.wslconfig:11

The content of lines 6 to 11 is

; hi-dpi
; 100 to 500

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. invoke wsl --shutdown
  2. invoke wsl -d fedoraremix
  3. See error

Expected behavior The content in .wslconfig should not be involved in the startup of WSL


Additional context

Basic Troubleshooting Checklist

[x ] I have searched Google for the error message. [ x] I have checked official WSL troubleshooting documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/troubleshooting#confirm-wsl-is-enabled. [ x] I have searched the official Microsoft WSL issues page: https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues. [ x] I have searched the WLinux issues page: https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/WLinux/issues. [ x] I have reset WLinux: Settings->Apps->Apps & features->WLinux->Advanced Options->Reset. [ x] I have disabled and re-enabled WSL in Windows Features. [ x] I have run Windows 10 updates and restarted.

What other troubleshooting have you attempted?

Insert here:

Fedora Remix for WSL Version

Find: Settings->Apps->Apps & features->Fedora Remix for WSL Version->Advanced Options->Version. Also, cat /etc/os-release

Insert here: NAME="Fedora Remix for WSL" VERSION="39" ID=fedoraremixforwsl ID_LIKE=fedora VERSION_ID=39 PLATFORM_ID="platform:f39" PRETTY_NAME="Fedora Remix for WSL" ANSI_COLOR="0;34" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:39" HOME_URL="https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/Fedora-Remix-for-WSL" SUPPORT_URL="https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/Fedora-Remix-for-WSL" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/Fedora-Remix-for-WSL/issues" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/Fedora-Remix-for-WSL/blob/master/PRIVACY.md" FEDORA_REMIX_VERSION=39.0.1

Windows Build

Run 'systeminfo | findstr /C:"OS"' in Command Prompt and insert here: OS Name: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro OS Version: 10.0.22631 N/A Build 22631 OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation OS Configuration: Standalone Workstation OS Build Type: Multiprocessor Free

For help on retrieving: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/troubleshooting#check-your-build-number

crramirez commented 7 months ago

As far I know any of the scripts in Fedora Remix parses the .wslconfig,naybe wslutilities. I'll try to reproduce and come back.