WhitewaterFoundry / Fedora-Remix-for-WSL

Fedora Remix for Windows Subsystem for Linux.
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Fedora Remix Build Problem 4 : Package wslu #59

Open alexismaret1test opened 4 years ago

alexismaret1test commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug The file "create-targz.sh" that permit to create the "install.tar.gz" produces error: No match for argument: wslu Error: Unable to find a match

It is caused by the line 55 : dnf -y install cracklib-dicts wslu

It is not a important bug for this i just added your repo in the script before the line 55 : curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/whitewaterfoundry/wslu/script.rpm.sh os=fedora dist=29 \| sudo bash

But the real bug is this error : Error: Problem: conflicting requests - nothing provides bc needed by wslu-2.1.1-1.noarch - nothing provides ImageMagick needed by wslu-2.1.1-1.noarch - nothing provides bc needed by wslu-2.2.0-1.noarch - nothing provides ImageMagick needed by wslu-2.2.0-1.noarch - nothing provides bc needed by wslu-2.2.1-1.noarch - nothing provides ImageMagick needed by wslu-2.2.1-1.noarch - nothing provides bc needed by wslu-2.3.0-1.noarch - nothing provides ImageMagick needed by wslu-2.3.0-1.noarch - nothing provides bc needed by wslu-2.3.1-1.noarch - nothing provides ImageMagick needed by wslu-2.3.1-1.noarch - nothing provides bc needed by wslu-2.3.2-1.noarch - nothing provides ImageMagick needed by wslu-2.3.2-1.noarch (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)

It is caused by the line 55 : dnf -y install cracklib-dicts wslu

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Just follow the guide to build Fedoraremix Distribution (as Pengwin)

  1. Go on a real Fedora
  2. sudo sh create-targz.sh
  3. Error occured : dnf -y install cracklib-dicts wslu

Expected behavior I expect the script to be usable under fedora and to work without any errors. The script must build the file "install.tar.gz" in the architecture folder chosen.

Workaround I install wslu by hand : $dnf install wslu

Then i comment the line 55 since it is already installed on my system. #dnf -y install cracklib-dicts.x86_64 wslu

Additional context Fedora Version 29 cat /etc/fedora-release Generic release 29 (Generic)

I have found similar errors in this script so i posted an issue for each build error i encountered

ganto commented 4 years ago

Fedora 29 is end-of-life since 2019-11-30 therefore I don't think any Fedora 29 related bugs will ever be fixed.