WhitewaterFoundry / Pengwin-Enterprise

Enterprise-compatible WSL distribution.
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All man pages are missing #47

Open jmccorm opened 5 years ago

jmccorm commented 5 years ago

It seems like all man pages are missing. I installed man-db man-pages (and man-pages-overrides) but there were no man pages for anything ( such as "man ls") except for some of my own software which I had in my $MANPATH. That worked fine.

I tracked down the root cause. /etc/yum.conf has the following setting: tsflags=nodocs

That prevents the installation of man pages. I commented out the line, and removed and re-installed man-db, man-pages and man-pages-overrides. I have most of the man pages I expect. (Sadly, I had installed quite a number of packages before that, so I'm going to have to go back and uninstall/reinstall to get those man pages.)

My guess is that you're going to want man pages installed from the start.

sirredbeard commented 5 years ago

To fix this we need to edit https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/sig-cloud-instance-build/blob/master/docker/sl-7.ks#L88 and https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/sig-cloud-instance-build/blob/master/docker/sl-7.ks#L24 in the image Kickstart file.