WhoCraft / TardisRefined

A Minecraft mod for Forge and Fabric which brings the TARDIS from Doctor Who to Minecraft.
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Tardis Flight Loop sound only sometimes plays #293

Closed theOneTrueFunniBoi closed 3 weeks ago

theOneTrueFunniBoi commented 3 weeks ago

Issue description

I've seen in YouTube showcases of this mod that when the Tardis is Traveling it plays an ambiance similar to the sound for taking off and landing but looped. However, in my and other Tardis's on my server, this ambiance doesn't always play. I've only actually heard it play twice, and I've flown my Tardis a lot.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Aquire Tardis
  2. Get in Tardis
  3. Engage the throttle
  4. Wait for the takeoff sound to finish
  5. Issue occurs

Minecraft version

1.20.2 (Latest)

Mod Loader Platform type


Mod Loader version

Fabric Loader v0.15.11

Tardis Refined version


Other relevant versions

No response

Attach the relevant crash report file or log file: (Don't know how to find a crash report file? See the Minecraft Wiki Tutorial

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Jeryn99 commented 3 weeks ago

We've been looking into it