WhoCraft / TardisRefined

A Minecraft mod for Forge and Fabric which brings the TARDIS from Doctor Who to Minecraft.
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Tardis door, console, and bulkhead doors cloned. #298

Open NateslPlayzzz opened 3 weeks ago

NateslPlayzzz commented 3 weeks ago

Issue description

When i changed the desktop in version 2.02, it cloned the tardis doors, console, and bulkhead doors.

2024-06-02_19 15 09 2024-06-02_19 15 12

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create Tardis
  2. Change desktop (any will work)
  3. Door, Console, and bulkhead doors will end up cloned.

Minecraft version


Mod Loader Platform type


Mod Loader version

Fabric 0.15.10

Tardis Refined version


Other relevant versions

Could be Immersive Portals. Thats the ONLY other mod i have on.

Attach the relevant crash report file or log file: (Don't know how to find a crash report file? See the Minecraft Wiki Tutorial

No response

NateslPlayzzz commented 3 weeks ago

After roughly 10-15 mins they have seemed to have disappeared. Unsure if these were ghost entities or not.

J0riUnderscore commented 3 weeks ago

I've had this too with pretty much the same version of the mod and immersive portals, found that this can also happen by leaving the console room through the corridor airlock and going back into the console room through the airlock. when I did this entity clones of the models (front door, console, airlock door) would render overlapping the real ones. you can see this when the airlock doors open, the clones' doors stay closed allowing you to appear to walk through the closed doors, the front door model will render the closed door model over the doors even when you open the doors. these clones will also remain when you change desktops too.

Jeryn99 commented 3 weeks ago

It's immersive portals being Immersive Portals