WhoCraft / TardisRefined

A Minecraft mod for Forge and Fabric which brings the TARDIS from Doctor Who to Minecraft.
48 stars 18 forks source link

Not sure if this counts as an issue, but I need some help none the less. #311

Open Sombody-New opened 2 weeks ago

Sombody-New commented 2 weeks ago

Issue description

I had redownloaded the updated version of the mod today, and I also have immersive portals mod. The immersive portals mod doesn't seem to be working for me though with the Tardis. It works for everything else. Can someone help me please?

Steps to reproduce

No response

Minecraft version

1.20.2 (Latest)

Mod Loader Platform type


Mod Loader version


Tardis Refined version


Other relevant versions

v1.20.2-2.0.3 Is what I downloaded from curseforge.

Attach the relevant crash report file or log file: (Don't know how to find a crash report file? See the Minecraft Wiki Tutorial

No response

Hot-M3ss commented 2 weeks ago

Its disabled by default due to some issues, but can be enabled in the config if I recall correctly. (I AM NOT A MOD/DEV, I am providing information from memory and it may not be 100% accurate.)

Sombody-New commented 2 weeks ago

Config as in like, a file? Or in-game. If it's in-game i can't find that anywhere....

50ap5ud5 commented 2 weeks ago

Can you please elaborate on what you define as "not working"? E.g. Cannot view interior from exterior shell.

Sombody-New commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, that AND I can't see outside from within the interior as well. I don't know how to get it to work...