WhoCraft / TardisRefined

A Minecraft mod for Forge and Fabric which brings the TARDIS from Doctor Who to Minecraft.
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Can't travel to larger number coordinates #314

Open RavnixVioletBlueFlame opened 1 week ago

RavnixVioletBlueFlame commented 1 week ago

Issue description

Trying to travel specifically to larger number coordinates, either in the overworld or the nether (or other variant) results in either not moving at all, or only moving to a location similar to the last with barely any noticeable difference in distance traveled. Always resulting in absorbing all fuel. The same seems to happen with summoning the tardis even when it begins with full fuel.

Steps to reproduce

Enter coordinates with more than three digits (four digits or more) either normal or "negative" (example 93012, 67, -9840). Tardis travels for a long period. Never reaching intended destination.

Minecraft version


Mod Loader Platform type


Mod Loader version

Forge 47.2.20

Tardis Refined version


Other relevant versions

All the Mods 9 modpack, and cobblemon

Attach the relevant crash report file or log file: (Don't know how to find a crash report file? See the Minecraft Wiki Tutorial

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