WhoIsSethDaniel / mason-tool-installer.nvim

Install and upgrade third party tools automatically
MIT License
431 stars 15 forks source link

Plugin causing Neovim to start slowly #2

Closed alisonjenkins closed 2 years ago

alisonjenkins commented 2 years ago

Hey @WhoIsSethDaniel,

Love the plugin thanks for mentioning it in the issue. I have since set it up to install all my required tools but unfortunately it seems to have performance issues when installing lots of tools.

My configuration is here:

https://github.com/alanjjenkins/chezmoi-dotfiles/blob/master/private_dot_config/nvim/lua/plugins.lua https://github.com/alanjjenkins/chezmoi-dotfiles/blob/master/private_dot_config/nvim/lua/plugin-config/mason.lua https://github.com/alanjjenkins/chezmoi-dotfiles/blob/master/private_dot_config/nvim/lua/plugin-config/mason-tool-installer.lua

It seems like Neovim is blocking on startup waiting for Mason Tool Installer to install / update everything on every startup.

It seems this needs to be setup as a delayed async task to me (although you may already be doing this (I haven't read the code yet)). I believe this is possible using plenary.

Note that I might have commented my plugin block for this when you look at my plugins to restore the speed of startup (the lag when doing git commits is getting on my nerves).


Alan Jenkins

WhoIsSethDaniel commented 2 years ago

All I can say is that it doesn't block for me. I can start editing right away while the tools are being installed (I see the updates in the messages).

I may need more information to help you.

WhoIsSethDaniel commented 2 years ago

You may try deactivating all plugins but mason and mason-tool-installer to see if that changes things.

WhoIsSethDaniel commented 2 years ago

I copied your mason-tool-installer config to my own config and brought up nvim. FWIW I had no problems. Most tools were installed (a few weren't because I was missing some prerequisites), but over several minutes it installed around 75 tools while I was doing my normal work within nvim.

WhoIsSethDaniel commented 2 years ago

Another thing to try: limit your list of tools to 1, wipe the mason install directory, and start nvim. Once the one thing is installed type :messages and cut and paste the entire output here. It may give some insight into what is going on. I'd try commenting out all plugins but mason and mason-tool-installer first...just to eliminate the possibility of interference of some sort with one of your other plugins.

alisonjenkins commented 2 years ago

@WhoIsSethDaniel thanks will give these things a go later once I finish work.

dsully commented 2 years ago

I'm seeing this as well. If I set auto_update = false, the startup lag goes away.

WhoIsSethDaniel commented 2 years ago

is it lag or is it essentially blocking until all services are installed (I think this latter is what the initial report is saying)? Either way I find this baffling as I don't see either one. It also doesn't make much sense for auto_update to affect installation since auto_update only comes into effect when there are updates.

I have one idea that may fix this, but since I don't see the problem it's very difficult to say.

dsully commented 2 years ago

If I had to guess, I'd say blocking. I've not looked into it further though.

Running the installer code similar to the suggestions here for copilot.lua might be a valid approach: https://github.com/zbirenbaum/copilot.lua

WhoIsSethDaniel commented 2 years ago

@dsully I'm already deferring until VimEnter, which is the first entry in the link you provide. VimEnter starts very late in the startup process. If it's truly blocking then it doesn't matter where you start it will block eventually.

How many items are you installing? The OP had around 75 tools that were being installed.

WhoIsSethDaniel commented 2 years ago

However I'm not doing a defer_fn(). I don't see how that would help, but I can try it.

WhoIsSethDaniel commented 2 years ago

I went ahead and added a start_delay option. It's documented in the README.md. By default it's 0, but if you set it to, say, 5000 it will delay starting installation for 5 seconds. This corresponds with the 1) option in the link you provided. Try different values, perhaps start with a very high value, like 8000 or 10000. See if it helps at all. If it doesn't a detailed report on what exactly happened would be appreciated.

dsully commented 2 years ago
    ui = {
        border = "single",
        icons = {
            package_installed = "",
            package_pending = "",
            package_uninstalled = "",

    auto_update = true,
    ensure_installed = {
        -- LSP servers

        -- Linters
        "hadolint", -- Dockerfile

        -- Formatters

Is my setup.

dsully commented 2 years ago

Setting a 3 second delay removed the startup lag / blocking for me. Thanks!

WhoIsSethDaniel commented 2 years ago

Closing. The start_delay has helped and there has been no feedback since.