To improve the usability and customizability of our data presentation, we need to implement features that allow users to filter out certain columns and set default columns that are visible upon loading the table. This enhancement will enable users to tailor the data view to their specific needs, making the application more versatile and user-friendly.
Column Filtering: Develop a user interface component that allows users to select which columns to display. This component should be intuitive and seamlessly integrate with the existing table design.
Default Columns: Implement functionality that allows certain columns to be visible by default when the table loads (eg. Ticker, Exchange, Company/Issuer, and Transfer Agent), with the option for users to modify these settings and save their preferences.
Save Preferences: Ensure that user preferences for visible columns are saved and persist across sessions, possibly using local storage or backend integration, depending on the application architecture.
Expected Outcome: A table with enhanced interactivity, allowing users to customize their data view by filtering out irrelevant columns and setting defaults that suit their frequent needs. This will improve the application’s flexibility and user satisfaction.
To improve the usability and customizability of our data presentation, we need to implement features that allow users to filter out certain columns and set default columns that are visible upon loading the table. This enhancement will enable users to tailor the data view to their specific needs, making the application more versatile and user-friendly.
Expected Outcome: A table with enhanced interactivity, allowing users to customize their data view by filtering out irrelevant columns and setting defaults that suit their frequent needs. This will improve the application’s flexibility and user satisfaction.