Open JamesAlfonse opened 4 days ago
Agreed, great opportunity. I'm interested to hear what others have to say. For myself, I think the concern about it being overwhelming could be a valid one but I also think we've taken measures to try and combat that while keeping things simple. We only require the symbol / company name to help identify where the data needs to go, and the other context fields are filled in as much or as little as the submitter would like.
We have talked about various possible expansions for the type of data which is covered by the database, and if we did add more columns this particular layout isn't very scalable. However, there's a huge advantage to keeping the data separated by question and clearly labeled as it makes it easier to import to the live database.
Recently, a contribution form link was added to the database website as suggested by greengiantyo. This form was created over a year ago, and I thought now would be a good opportunity to revisit it and improve upon it.
Some thoughts: