WhyNotHugo / django-mercadopago

⚠️ Deprecated. Use https://github.com/jazzband/django-payments/ instead.
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Provide support to split payments between multiple accounts #14

Closed pwqw closed 4 years ago

pwqw commented 5 years ago

Provide ability to send, at the same time, a percentage of the payment to another mercado pago Account

WhyNotHugo commented 5 years ago

Does the API allow doing this? Otherwise it sounds like you need to create two Preferences, one with each account.

pwqw commented 5 years ago

Should be only one payment/preference.

I'm really not sure if it is possible. Apparently they tell me that yes. Through the MarketPlace there is a sort of commission for sellers, it could be done from there (?). First I will have to investigate.

But I leave the issue as an interesting new feature.

WhyNotHugo commented 5 years ago

Please provide a link to how this is implemented, if it's possible, and I might look into it.

pwqw commented 5 years ago

With a marketplace

I have managed to implement it. Only until I send the push, more verification and everything, it's a lot of delay and we need to start it now.

I had to perform horrorifics monkeypatches :( (One of the reasons is that I do not know how to install pip directly from github keeping the requirements saved, and then go back to the original pip version)

In 2 weeks when I have more time we perfect this. It's very simple. You can achieve very broad things.

WhyNotHugo commented 5 years ago

Apparently, it's just a matter of configuring the account as a marketplace, and there's not difference in how Prefereces are created.

Docs are here.

Did I miss something?

pwqw commented 5 years ago

Y los Vendedores se registran mediante un link, asi que hay que armar un end point para eso. Luego, el MercadoPagoService debería construirse de manera diferente para las cuentas marketplace, usando solo 1 parámetro, access_token, que corresponde al Vendedor

También estaría bueno cubrir el proceso de renovación de credenciales de los vendedores.

El PeferenceManager.create podría tener el parámetro marketplace_fee si se quiere.

Y viendo este funcionamiento se podría renombrar los campos especificados en https://github.com/WhyNotHugo/django-mercadopago/issues/5 para que mantenga trazabilidad. Y de paso ambos campos ahora serían null=True

Hablando en el aire, y si mal no recuerdo.

(después lo traduzco)

pwqw commented 4 years ago

I prefer to close this issue in order to leave the repository cleaner. This new feature extends the library too much, and I don't have the time to address it.

Prefiero cerrar esta incidencia en pro de dejar el repositorio más limpio. Esta nueva característica extiende demasiado la librería, y no dispongo del tiempo para abordarlo.