WhySoBad / abwart

Housekeeper for your docker registry which adds support for retention policies
GNU General Public License v3.0
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idea: Implement own garbage collector #2

Open WhySoBad opened 6 months ago

WhySoBad commented 6 months ago

Currently, abwart uses the garbage collector of the registry binary which is shipped with the registry image to clean up unused blobs. It turns out the --delete-untagged flag also deletes manifests of mutli-arch images as described in https://github.com/distribution/distribution/issues/3178. This makes the garbage collector pretty much unusable since after a cleanup most images will end up with a manifest unknown error when being pulled.

The idea is now to come up with some kind of custom "garbage collector" which deletes the unneeded layers from the registry. This implementation should be a temporary solution until the PR from the mentioned issue is merged and the bug in the garbage collector is fixed. Below are some ideas how this could be achieved:

Idea 1: Garbage collection over api

I would implement a "garbage collector" over the rest api. This implementation is resource costly as it would fetch every repository, all tags of all repositories and for every tag all layers.

[!NOTE] This implementation wouldn't work since we're only fetching all layers which are currently used. Our goal is the opposite: fetch all layers which are currently not used. I still wanted to bring this idea up since it could may be used in another implementation

Idea 2: Scan filesystem of registry container

All blobs are stored in the registry at /var/lib/registry/docker/registry/v2/blobs/** (or in directory specified in /etc/docker/registry/config.yml). This implementation would index all blobs from this directory and filter out the layers from the manifests. Once all layers are fetched we could filter out the unneeded layers (maybe by fetching all needed layers using idea 1) and then delete them either over the api or directly in the filesystem. I don't know how reliable modifications to the filesystem of a running registry are but this would need to be tested.

Idea 3: Backup falsly marked manifests

In this implementation we would call the garbage collector with the dry run flag in a first step. From this output we identify all manifests which would be deleted falsly. A way to do this is by fetching all manifests for all repositories and compare them to the identified manifests. Overlapping manifests are the backed up and recreated after the garbage collector was run.

WhySoBad commented 6 months ago

I'll wait some time with the development of a garbage collector as there was recent activity involving a rather promising pull request https://github.com/distribution/distribution/pull/4285 in the issue mentioned above

Should this pull request end up stale like the other two the implementation of an own garbage collector is the only solution.

WhySoBad commented 4 months ago

Since the issue just got merged today I'll keep this issue open until the patch is part of a new release. After the release the minimal version requirement for the registry image will be increased to the version containing the patched garbage collector

WhySoBad commented 2 months ago

I've just found out there exist :edge versions of the registry on the distribution/distribution ghcr. I'm currently testing the latest version (the one from 2nd Jul 2024) whether the garbage collector is now working as expected.

WhySoBad commented 2 months ago

I've just found out there exist :edge versions of the registry on the distribution/distribution ghcr. I'm currently testing the latest version (the one from 2nd Jul 2024) whether the garbage collector is now working as expected.

Using the edge image it's safe again to enable the automated garbage collection.

I'll keep this issue open until the next major release is released