Wi-sc / GenMesh

The is the released codes for Single-view 3D Mesh Reconstruction for Seen and Unseen Categories
21 stars 1 forks source link

about processed files #4

Open A-cloud-bit opened 4 months ago

A-cloud-bit commented 4 months ago

The processed files link has expired

Wi-sc commented 4 months ago

Hey @A-cloud-bit, you may have a try this link: https://unisyd-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/xianghui_yang_sydney_edu_au/EfaYe1Mb7mhCnSCH1d-sH6YBNw4J1U56iiledxCa3OuL7g

XIA0629 commented 3 months ago

Hey,I clicked on this link, but encountered a problem. 2024-05-13_21-04