We suspect this poses problems in connecting devices that apply MAC Randomization. The problem, explained step-by-step:
Some clients perform MAC Randomization, i.e. broadcast scans (broadcast-oriented probe requests with an empty SSID) are performed each round with a new random MAC Address, to preserve the privacy of the STA.
The Wi5 platform replies (probe response) to these broadcast-oriented probe requests with a BSSID whose last 3 bytes equal the randomized transmitter address.
However, when the STA tries to connect to the LVAP, it uses its real transmitter MAC address and the previously generated BSSID (which is based on the STA’s previous (random) MAC address) as receiver address.
The AP, however, responds with a new BSSID based on the real transmitter address.
Devices that CAN connect to Wi-5
Devices that have problems
Devices that MAY have problems
Possible explainings
We suspect this poses problems in connecting devices that apply MAC Randomization. The problem, explained step-by-step:
Some clients perform MAC Randomization, i.e. broadcast scans (broadcast-oriented probe requests with an empty SSID) are performed each round with a new random MAC Address, to preserve the privacy of the STA.
The Wi5 platform replies (probe response) to these broadcast-oriented probe requests with a BSSID whose last 3 bytes equal the randomized transmitter address.
However, when the STA tries to connect to the LVAP, it uses its real transmitter MAC address and the previously generated BSSID (which is based on the STA’s previous (random) MAC address) as receiver address.
The AP, however, responds with a new BSSID based on the real transmitter address.
Possible solutions
How to disable MAC randomization in Linux
You can just add a few lines to your NetworkManager.conf file to disable it.
The values are: