WiIIiam278 / HuskChat

A simple & customizable no-frills Minecraft chat system
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] The color code of the PAPI variable is missing #235

Closed MSCMDD closed 2 months ago

MSCMDD commented 2 months ago

The color code of the PAPI variable is missing

When I use PAPI to output %essentials_nickname% it has color, but when I add it to HuskChat the color is lost

Maybe we can make the PAPI variable color optional or not

MSCMDD commented 2 months ago


MSCMDD commented 2 months ago


MSCMDD commented 2 months ago


WiIIiam278 commented 2 months ago

Placeholders with legacy color codes aren't fully supported as MineDown is used for formatting