WiIIiam278 / HuskSync

A modern, cross-server player data synchronisation system
Apache License 2.0
152 stars 125 forks source link

The health sync is not work #262

Closed Azeessssssssssssssssssssss closed 4 months ago

Azeessssssssssssssssssssss commented 4 months ago

I came across the fact that synchronizing the hearts sync does not work, my config are:


┃ HuskSync Config ┃

┃ Developed by William278 ┃


┣╸ Information: https://william278.net/project/husksync

┣╸ Config Help: https://william278.net/docs/husksync/config-file/

┗╸ Documentation: https://william278.net/docs/husksync

Locale of the default language file to use.

Docs: https://william278.net/docs/husksync/translations

language: ru-ru

Whether to automatically check for plugin updates on startup

check_for_updates: true

Specify a common ID for grouping servers running HuskSync. Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!

cluster_id: ''

Enable development debug logging

debug_logging: false

Whether to provide modern, rich TAB suggestions for commands (if available)

brigadier_tab_completion: false

Whether to enable the Player Analytics hook.

Docs: https://william278.net/docs/husksync/plan-hook

enable_plan_hook: true

Database settings


Type of database to use (MYSQL, MARIADB, MONGO)

type: MYSQL

Specify credentials here for your MYSQL, MARIADB OR MONGO database

credentials: host: port: 3306 database: HuskSync username: root password: ()

Only change this if you have select MYSQL or MARIADB

parameters: ?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
# Only change this if you have selected MONGO
mongo_auth_db: admin

MYSQL / MARIADB database Hikari connection pool properties. Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!

connection_pool: maximum_pool_size: 10 minimum_idle: 10 maximum_lifetime: 1800000 keepalive_time: 0 connection_timeout: 5000

Names of tables to use on your database. Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!

table_names: user_data: husksync_user_data users: husksync_users

Redis settings


Specify the credentials of your Redis database here. Set "password" to '' if you don't have one

credentials: host: port: 6379 password: '' use_ssl: false

Options for if you're using Redis sentinel. Don't modify this unless you know what you're doing!


The master set name for the Redis sentinel.

master: ''
# List of host:port pairs
nodes: []
password: ''

Redis settings


The data synchronization mode to use (LOCKSTEP or DELAY). LOCKSTEP is recommended for most networks.

Docs: https://william278.net/docs/husksync/sync-modes


The number of data snapshot backups that should be kept at once per user

max_user_data_snapshots: 16

Number of hours between new snapshots being saved as backups (Use "0" to backup all snapshots)

snapshot_backup_frequency: 4

List of save cause IDs for which a snapshot will be automatically pinned (so it won't be rotated).

Docs: https://william278.net/docs/husksync/data-rotation#save-causes


WiIIiam278 commented 4 months ago

Please get in touch on discord for further assistance :)