[19:36:43] Bot started
[19:36:45] Starting new quest: Mineral Badge Quest: Will Exp to lv 52 and earn the 6th Badge
[19:36:45] Using: Bicycle
[19:36:46] System: You can't do this while surfing!
[19:36:55] Using: Bicycle
[19:36:55] System: You can't do this while surfing!
[19:37:05] Using: Bicycle
[19:37:05] System: You can't do this while surfing!
[19:36:43] Bot started [19:36:45] Starting new quest: Mineral Badge Quest: Will Exp to lv 52 and earn the 6th Badge [19:36:45] Using: Bicycle [19:36:46] System: You can't do this while surfing! [19:36:55] Using: Bicycle [19:36:55] System: You can't do this while surfing! [19:37:05] Using: Bicycle [19:37:05] System: You can't do this while surfing!
screen: https://gyazo.com/47a206ab41a6cd0d9485ac95a2ddb75b