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[missing appName/token] new logging to help debug this long standing issue. #1275

Open ear-dev opened 2 years ago

ear-dev commented 2 years ago

We want to add two new debug methods to this inquiry.

ear-dev commented 2 years ago

Capturing this thread here: @Shailesh351 @bhardwajaditya

checkout https://my-viasat-preprod.icat.viasat.io/

[My Viasat](https://my-viasat-preprod.icat.viasat.io/)
Shailesh Baldaniya that is pointing at our preprod rocketchat instance

and all of the sudden it is consistently reproducing the missing livechatData issue

i.e. no appName/token

yet..... if the RC db has that user already in the db, (I think it uses something from the browser instance to detect?) it seems to be working

but clear cache, or new browser, and it fails

let me know if you are seeing the same thing when you get a chance

perhaps this is our chance to debug this issue? don't know

one caveat: the myViasat team has implemented the new SSO provider, OKTA, instead of the old Viasat SSO

so we expect that the token, if it does get through, will not authenticate properly on the back end

but I'm actually seeing no appname/token at all

so maybe they broke the integration script as well just now....... not sure

eric rosenthal
3:39 PM
I wonder..... if there is a previous entry for a livechat visitor, would RC just re-use the livechatData if somehow the current session did not update it?

shouldn't livechatData update every time a visitor opens a new session?
ear-dev commented 2 years ago

Ideas: Can we log something in an SNS event that would help us figure out which version of the myViasat app the visitor is using?

Can we recreate the integration debug logging using SNS events so we can see what might have happened in cases where we get no livechatData at all?

ear-dev commented 2 years ago

Idea: Does the myViasat team have their own event tracking (radon?). Maybe we can start sprinkling our own events around using that, to help us debug?