Wieku / danser-go

Dancing visualizer of osu! standard maps and custom osu! client written in Go. Also a generator for osu! videos.
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replays from osu!lazer dying #302

Open Axilotl17 opened 1 year ago

Axilotl17 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug I'm trying to record a replay done in lazer, and because HP is different in lazer, danser stops when they would have died in stable, while in lazer they wouldn't yet have died. I do want the notelock to happen, Its just I want it to continue recording after "death".

I realize this is only applicable to a narrow set of problems but It would be a tiny fix to just... allow enabling of recording after death.

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Axilotl17 commented 1 year ago

also spinners auto-fail you

2Tsk2 commented 1 year ago

ill bump this

Wieku commented 1 year ago

ill bump this

This is not a forum.

ghost commented 1 year ago

This seems to happen even if you use the classic mod in lazer.