Wiimm / wiimms-iso-tools

»Wiimms ISO Tools« is a set of command line tools to extract, modify and create Wii and GameCube ISO images and WBFS containers.
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wit dolpatch has issues with memory's value attribute format #29

Open Humming-2wl opened 3 months ago

Humming-2wl commented 3 months ago

Basically, wit behaves differently if the value attribute of a memory element starts with 0x (at least in the linux build). 2024-08-17-225632_1918x1078_scrot It seems that the actual value is patched when no 0x prefixes the value.

According to the riivolution xml file format it is legal to allow 0x as prefix in the value attribute as they are considered a hex string https://aerialx.github.io/rvlution.net/wiki/Patch_Format/#Memory_Patch (hopefully this issue is only on value attributes, I have not tested it in original attributes)

test1.xml contents:

<memory offset="0x804D631C" value="4BB2ACE5"/>

test2.xml contents:

<memory offset="0x804D631C" value="0x4BB2ACE5"/>

Hope you are doing well. Cheers.

PD: Many thanks for this tool, without it my life would be harder.