WikiApiary / WikiApiary

Celery-based task workers for collecting and updating data on WikiApiary.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add information about extensions #15

Open jthingelstad opened 10 years ago

jthingelstad commented 10 years ago

Develop first version of Drone Bee that will collect information about extensions from as well as Github and provide a richer set of data for the extensions. This should help in notifying users that they have outdated extensions, and could provide the data backend for Extension installers.

nemobis commented 10 years ago was merged, does that help?

jthingelstad commented 10 years ago

It does indeed. Looking at

Shows great information on the VCS data. This will automatically get pulled into WikiApiary by bumble bee as it starts appearing. I’m hoping someone hits

for addition as well.