WikiEducationFoundation / WikiEduDashboard

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Activity tab does cannot fetch revisions from #5530

Closed ragesoss closed 8 months ago

ragesoss commented 10 months ago

What is happening?

The Activity tab of this course does not show any activity:

There are JS errors in the console; it looks like CORS is stopping the requests to the Wikisource API.

Additional context is a separate wiki (for multilingual source texts) from the individual language versions of Wikisource like In contrast to, the canonical URL for this wiki does not include the www. subdomain. However, the requests from the Activity tab are going to rather than just It's like that the CORS errors are because of this.

rajat99-default commented 10 months ago

I would like to work on this issue

ragesoss commented 10 months ago

@rajat99-default great!

rajat99-default commented 10 months ago

Can you please just teach me how exactly this works and how can I start I know HTML,CSS, javascript and c++ But I never contributed open source in my life I need just some hints or points on how to start working on this issue Please help me

ragesoss commented 10 months ago

Check out the CONTRIBUTING doc and the setup doc. Those have guidance on how to set up a dev environment and get started. In this case, once you have a working dev environment, the first step should be to replicate the issue locally.

rajat99-default commented 10 months ago

how can i find which organisations suits me for GSOC i currently know React JS, JS and C++

thekavikumar commented 10 months ago

@ragesoss is the activity not shown particularly for this course or every course? Also, I'm not getting any JS errors in the console.

ragesoss commented 10 months ago

@thekavikumar this issue likely occurs for any course that is tracking (rather than a specific language version of Wikisource). Using the 'copy from production' feature in /admin to copy the course above is probably the easiest way to replicate the issue locally.

ragesoss commented 10 months ago

how can i find which organisations suits me for GSOC i currently know React JS, JS and C++

Once the GSoC orgs are revealed for the next round, you can browse them to see what languages each project involves.

thekavikumar commented 10 months ago

@thekavikumar this issue likely occurs for any course that is tracking (rather than a specific language version of Wikisource). Using the 'copy from production' feature in /admin to copy the course above is probably the easiest way to replicate the issue locally.

You mean in /admin route?

ragesoss commented 10 months ago


thekavikumar commented 10 months ago

@ragesoss alright!

thekavikumar commented 10 months ago

Once I copy it in /admin, I can see the js errors. Isn't?

ragesoss commented 10 months ago

I think so.

thekavikumar commented 10 months ago

Alright I will try it out, thanks

thekavikumar commented 10 months ago

image image image

@ragesoss I did all the required setup to replicate the issue locally, but I'm not the JS error.

ragesoss commented 10 months ago

@thekavikumar is it making network requests to wikisource at all? are the same editors on your local course as in production?

thekavikumar commented 10 months ago

image image In production url:

we have recent edits showing up but not in the local

ragesoss commented 10 months ago

Hmm... it seems like you've imported it correctly, and I just did the same locally and I do get the console JS errors like in production. What does the 'Network' tab of the dev tools look like if you reload the Activity page?

thekavikumar commented 10 months ago

image image this is how it looks

ragesoss commented 10 months ago

Okay! So you are getting the same errors; not sure why they didn't also appear in your JS console, but those are the same CORS errors that happen in production.

thekavikumar commented 10 months ago

Oh okay got it! So, that should be resolved.

thekavikumar commented 10 months ago

@ragesoss where can I find the function that requests wikisource?

thekavikumar commented 10 months ago

image is it this one?

ragesoss commented 10 months ago

I think it's fetchRevisions from revision_actions.js, although that's not likely to be where the fix will go. That calls fetchRevisionsFromUsers... and that indirectly uses toWikiDomain from wiki_utils.js. That function might be the right place to apply a fix.

Nikuunj commented 10 months ago

Hi @ragesoss,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm interested in joining the WikiEducationFoundation Slack channel to stay informed and contribute to the discussions. Could you please add me to the channel? I have some experience in programming languages like html , css , js , react . I am passionate about open-source and have recently participated in Hacktoberfest 2023. I am now seeking mentorship to improve my skills in open-source development.

Looking forward to being a part of the community.

Brajesh1213 commented 9 months ago

I would like to work on this issue

kan-ish commented 9 months ago

Hey @ragesoss! I have been scouring the repo trying to come up with a fix for this. Could you send me an invite for the slack channel of the community so maybe I can find something there?

JayaSaiVinay commented 9 months ago

Hello @ragesoss, I'm interested in contributing to the project and noticed that issue #5530 is still open. Could you please confirm if it's available for work, and if so, I'd like to take it on? Additionally, I'm keen on making further contributions. Could you add me to the Slack group? Email address:

SainiAditya1 commented 9 months ago

Hey @ragesoss , Please send me the invite for slack email:

ragesoss commented 8 months ago

@JayaSaiVinay this is still open, feel free to take it on.

@kan-ish let me know your email address.

Anujk182002 commented 8 months ago

hey @ragesoss , i also want to contribute in this issue , is it still open , could you please give me the slack group invite email: