Closed empty-codes closed 2 weeks ago
@ragesoss What I have done currently is to remove the alert and also stop the instructions from showing when you hover over the delete button on the Programs & Events Dashboard.
I want to confirm if I am to change the logic of the 'Delete program' button itself or if this is enough.
If the logic of the 'Delete program' button on the course page is to be changed, should I change it to match the logic of the 'Remove and Delete' button in the campaigns view? So when you try to delete the program before removing the campaigns, it automatically removes campaigns if any and then deletes the program.
// If course is not published, show the 'delete' button to instructors and admins.
if ((user.isAdvancedRole || user.admin) && (!course.published || !Features.wikiEd)) {
<div title={Features.wikiEd ? I18n.t('courses.delete_course_instructions') : undefined} key="delete" className="available-action">
<button className="button danger" onClick={deleteCourseFunc}>
{CourseUtils.i18n('delete_course', course.string_prefix)}
const deleteCourseFunc = () => {
const enteredTitle = prompt(I18n.t('courses.confirm_course_deletion', { title: course.title }));
// Check if enteredTitle is not null before calling trim.
if (enteredTitle !== null && enteredTitle.trim() === course.title.trim()) {
return dispatch(deleteCourse(course.slug));
} else if (enteredTitle) {
return alert(I18n.t('courses.confirm_course_deletion_failed', { title: enteredTitle }));
export const deleteCourse = (courseSlug) => (dispatch) => {
return API.deleteCourse(courseSlug)
.then(data => dispatch({ type: 'DELETED_COURSE', data }))
.catch(data => dispatch({ type: API_FAIL, data }));
in api.js
async deleteCourse(courseId) {
const response = await request(`/courses/${courseId}.json`, {
method: 'DELETE'
if (!response.ok) {
const data = await response.text();
response.responseText = data;
throw response;
window.location = '/';
return response.json();
in course.js
const deleteCourseBtn = document.getElementsByClassName('delete-course-from-campaign')[0];
if (deleteCourseBtn) {
deleteCourseBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const enteredTitle = window.prompt(I18n.t('courses.confirm_course_deletion', { title: }));
if (!enteredTitle) {
} else if (enteredTitle.trim() !== {
alert(I18n.t('courses.confirm_course_deletion_failed', { title: enteredTitle }));
in app/views/campaigns/_course_row.html.haml:
- if @presenter&.can_delete_course?
%a.course-link{:href => "#{course_slug_path(course.slug)}", style: "padding-top: 0;"}
= form_for(@campaign, url: "/courses/#{course.slug}.json/delete_from_campaign?campaign_title=#{@campaign.title}&campaign_id=#{}&campaign_slug=#{@campaign.slug}", method: :delete, id: "delete_course-#{}", html: { class: 'delete-program-form' }) do
= hidden_field_tag('course_title', course.title, id: "course_title-#{}")
%button.button.danger.delete-course-from-campaign{'data-id' =>, 'data-title' => course.title, 'data-campaign-title' => @campaign.title, title: t('campaign.delete_course_tooltip') }
= t('assignments.delete')
in routes.rb:
delete 'courses/:slug/delete_from_campaign' => 'courses/delete_from_campaign#delete_course_from_campaign', as: 'delete_from_campaign',
constraints: { slug: /.*/ }
in [delete_from_campaign_controller](
def delete_course_from_campaign
if @course.campaigns.size > 1
def remove_and_delete_course_from_campaign
campaigns_course = find_campaigns_course
result = campaigns_course.destroy
message = result ? 'campaign.course_removed_and_deleted' : 'campaign.course_already_removed'
flash[:notice] = t(message, title: @course.title, campaign_title: params[:campaign_title])
DeleteCourseWorker.schedule_deletion(course: @course, current_user:)
def remove_course_from_campaign_but_not_deleted
campaigns_course = find_campaigns_course
result = campaigns_course.destroy
message = result ? 'campaign.course_removed_but_not_deleted' : 'campaign.course_already_removed'
flash[:notice] = t(message, title: @course.title, campaign_title: params[:campaign_title])
refs: Thank you!
Yes, I think the right way is to change the logic to work the same way as the 'remove and delete' button on the campaign page: it should first remove the campaigns and then delete the course.
What this PR does
Solves Issue #6012 and by removing the requirement to remove campaigns before deleting a program is the behavior on Programs & Events Dashboard.
Changes Made:
actions. -If in a non-Wiki Ed environment i.e on Program and Events Dashboard and the program is linked to campaigns, it removes the program from the associated campaign(s) before deletion, using newremoveAndDeleteCourse
actions.This makes deleting courses more flexible by eliminating the previous need to first remove all campaign associations manually. It however retains the requirement to remove campaigns before deleting a course if in wiki_education mode.
Before: Could not delete programs that were associated with campaigns, no
jobs seen in sidekiqAfter: Can now delete programs that are associated with campaigns, DeleteCourseWorker jobs seen in sidekiq and sentry
Evidence of Deletion in Sidekiq:
Evidence of Deletion in Sentry: