This PR also created and tested functions for processing our original TDX Hydro GeoPackage files and saving them to compressed GeoParquet files. Specifically:
Process Stream Network files
Adds Modified Nested Set Index fields, converts all LINKNO-related fields to globally unique values, and drops useless fields that are not functionally populated with values.
Done with the create_tdx_mnsi() function in examples/3_GenerateModifiedNestedSetIndex.ipynb
Process Stream Reach Basin files
Renames 'streamID' to 'LINKNO' and then converts to globally unique values.
Done with the process_tdx_basins() in examples/4_ProcessBasinToParquet.ipynb
This PR addresses the following issues:
This PR also created and tested functions for processing our original TDX Hydro GeoPackage files and saving them to compressed GeoParquet files. Specifically:
function inexamples/3_GenerateModifiedNestedSetIndex.ipynb