WikiWatershed / mmw-geoprocessing

A Spark Job Server job for Model My Watershed geoprocessing.
Apache License 2.0
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Update to Geotrellis 3.7.0 #110

Closed jpolchlo closed 2 months ago

jpolchlo commented 2 months ago


This repository has been running on a quite old version of Geotrellis, and it's time to modernize the dependencies. In this PR, I've updated the SBT launcher script, restructured the project to use the build.sbt file in place of the old build.scala method. The Scala version has been bumped up into the 2.13 line, and library dependencies have been adjusted to match. Geotrellis has been kicked up to version 3.7.0.

Some adjustments had to be made to the geoprocessing code, but they were not extreme, basically in one of two camps: adjustments to cope with Scala 2.13, and geometry processing changes arising from GT's switch to using JTS.

Connects #105 Connects #106 Connects #107

Testing Instructions

(Still needs testing)

rajadain commented 2 months ago

This looks really promising!

I merged my test branch from #109 onto this. Then ran scripts/update and scripts/server to run the new service, and in another tab ran scripts/test, all of which succeeded.

Next will install this on an MMW VM and test there.