WikiWatershed / mmw-geoprocessing

A Spark Job Server job for Model My Watershed geoprocessing.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 6 forks source link

MapShed Job Stub #26

Closed rajadain closed 8 years ago

rajadain commented 8 years ago


Extracts common functionality into a trait that can be mixed in with multiple Spark Job implementations. Adds a simple stub for a MapshedJob which currently simply returns the the count of cells grouped by their NLCD value for a given polygon.

Testing Instructions

  1. Package the code:

    ./sbt "project summary" assembly
  2. Start the worker VM. Within the VM, rename /opt/geoprocessing/mmw-geoprocessing-0.4.0.jar to /opt/geoprocessing/mmw-geoprocessing-0.4.0.jar.bak
  3. Copy the generated summary/target/scala-2.10/mmw-geoprocessing-assembly-0.4.0.jar file into the worker VM as /opt/geoprocessing/mmw-geoprocessing-0.4.0.jar
  4. Copy the two test requests into your worker VM: MapshedJob.json.txt and SummaryJob.json.txt
  5. Ensure that line 34 of /opt/spark-jobserver/spark-jobserver.conf reads "":

    vagrant@worker:~$ sed '34q;d' /opt/spark-jobserver/spark-jobserver.conf 
     context-settings.passthrough.spark.kryo.registrator = ""

    This is needed for the newer version of GeoTrellis.

  6. Restart Spark Job Server

    vagrant@worker:~$ sudo restart spark-jobserver
    spark-jobserver start/running, process 3245
  7. Create a job context:

    vagrant@worker:~$ curl --silent --data '' 'http://localhost:8090/contexts/geoprocessing-context'
  8. Test MapshedJob:

    vagrant@worker:~$ curl --silent --data-binary @MapshedJob.json.txt 'http://localhost:8090/jobs?sync=true&context=geoprocessing-context&appName=geoprocessing-0.4.0&classPath=org.wikiwatershed.mmw.geoprocessing.MapshedJob'
     "result": [{
       "11": 11861,
       "90": 25355,
       "22": 31,
       "21": 1139,
       "43": 99663,
       "71": 2326,
       "31": 751,
       "95": 1534,
       "42": 54230,
       "41": 77316,
       "52": 25967
  9. Test SummaryJob to ensure it still works correctly:

    vagrant@worker:~$ curl --silent --data-binary @SummaryJob.json.txt 'http://localhost:8090/jobs?sync=true&context=geoprocessing-context&appName=geoprocessing-0.4.0&classPath=org.wikiwatershed.mmw.geoprocessing.SummaryJob'
     "result": [{
       "(71,3)": 865,
       "(90,3)": 1650,
       "(22,7)": 5,
       "(11,1)": 104,
       "(11,6)": 10,
       "(52,3)": 7051,
       "(22,3)": 7,
       "(22,1)": 6,
       "(11,7)": 276,
       "(90,2)": 644,
       "(21,3)": 89,
       "(11,3)": 10998,
       "(31,7)": 208,
       "(52,6)": 40,
       "(52,2)": 1213,
       "(90,1)": 1901,
       "(43,4)": 40799,
       "(11,2)": 81,
       "(21,7)": 235,
       "(42,6)": 63,
       "(95,3)": 144,
       "(71,7)": 242,
       "(90,7)": 7473,
       "(71,1)": 207,
       "(95,2)": 8,
       "(52,7)": 5897,
       "(41,1)": 7486,
       "(22,4)": 13,
       "(41,7)": 10741,
       "(21,4)": 434,
       "(31,4)": 254,
       "(42,7)": 12392,
       "(43,3)": 21667,
       "(71,6)": 17,
       "(41,2)": 1826,
       "(52,1)": 2476,
       "(90,6)": 2324,
       "(21,2)": 19,
       "(95,7)": 471,
       "(42,4)": 30492,
       "(21,1)": 297,
       "(71,2)": 198,
       "(41,6)": 245,
       "(21,6)": 65,
       "(42,1)": 4790,
       "(43,6)": 380,
       "(43,7)": 19607,
       "(41,4)": 32622,
       "(52,4)": 9290,
       "(41,3)": 24396,
       "(71,4)": 797,
       "(42,3)": 4531,
       "(95,6)": 112,
       "(95,1)": 68,
       "(95,4)": 731,
       "(43,1)": 13473,
       "(90,4)": 11363,
       "(42,2)": 1962,
       "(11,4)": 392,
       "(31,2)": 93,
       "(31,3)": 100,
       "(31,1)": 96,
       "(43,2)": 3737

Connects #25

lewfish commented 8 years ago

+1, tested. Good testing instructions.