WikiWatershed / mmw-geoprocessing

A Spark Job Server job for Model My Watershed geoprocessing.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 6 forks source link

Update GeoTrellis catalog endpoint #45

Closed hectcastro closed 7 years ago

hectcastro commented 7 years ago

Update the configured GeoTrellis catalog endpoint used by Model My Watershed so that the Azavea Datahub catalog endpoint is used.

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Build a JAR from this branch using Docker or OpenJDK 7:

$ docker run \
    --rm \        
    --volume ${HOME}/.ivy2:/root/.ivy2 \
    --volume ${PWD}:/mmw-geoprocessing \
    --workdir /mmw-geoprocessing \
    openjdk:7 ./sbt assembly

Afterwards, copy it to the root of your MMW project directory:

$ cp summary/target/scala-2.10/mmw-geoprocessing-assembly-1.2.0.jar \

Then, spin up your MMW development environment and SSH into the worker. Once inside, copy the JAR into the location Spark Job Server wants it at, then restart the service:

vagrant@worker:~$ sudo cp /vagrant/mmw-geoprocessing-assembly-1.2.0.jar /opt/geoprocessing/mmw-geoprocessing-1.2.0.jar
vagrant@worker:~$ sudo restart spark-jobserver 

Finally, interact with the MMW UI to trigger any and all SJS related asynchronous tasks you know about.