WikiWatershed / mmw-geoprocessing

A Spark Job Server job for Model My Watershed geoprocessing.
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Collections API: Initialize Akka HTTP API Project #48

Closed rajadain closed 6 years ago

rajadain commented 6 years ago

Make an Akka HTTP Service that has one endpoint /run which can accept a JSON payload in an HTTP POST and respond with another JSON payload. For now, hard code the input to be:

  "input": {
    "operationType": "RasterGroupedCount",
    "polygon": [
    "polygonCRS": "LatLng",
    "rasterCRS": "ConusAlbers",
    "rasters": [
    "zoom": 0

and the output to be:

  "result": {
    "List(90, 1)": 1,
    "List(31, 3)": 57,
    "List(81, 7)": 514,
    "List(52, 7)": 416,
    "List(43, 7)": 36,
    "List(21, 3)": 8134,
    "List(43, 2)": 46,
    "List(23, 2)": 670,
    "List(24, 1)": 62,
    "List(23, 1)": 512,
    "List(23, 7)": 311,
    "List(41, 1)": 50,
    "List(21, 6)": 176,
    "List(21, -2147483648)": 16027,
    "List(81, 3)": 2647,
    "List(31, 2)": 21,
    "List(71, 4)": 126,
    "List(42, 3)": 72,
    "List(52, 1)": 13,
    "List(43, 4)": 50,
    "List(31, 4)": 165,
    "List(71, -2147483648)": 72,
    "List(22, 7)": 969,
    "List(22, -2147483648)": 16279,
    "List(31, 7)": 58,
    "List(24, 7)": 33,
    "List(22, 1)": 603,
    "List(81, 6)": 10,
    "List(82, 4)": 2133,
    "List(41, 4)": 5379,
    "List(82, -2147483648)": 268,
    "List(22, 2)": 1636,
    "List(21, 1)": 1601,
    "List(81, 2)": 1956,
    "List(90, 6)": 19,
    "List(41, 2)": 3008,
    "List(41, 7)": 4232,
    "List(81, 1)": 28,
    "List(95, 3)": 14,
    "List(23, 6)": 10,
    "List(82, 3)": 1889,
    "List(42, 2)": 13,
    "List(21, 4)": 6982,
    "List(43, -2147483648)": 106,
    "List(52, 4)": 971,
    "List(82, 7)": 306,
    "List(90, 4)": 509,
    "List(95, 4)": 27,
    "List(21, 7)": 3241,
    "List(81, -2147483648)": 1086,
    "List(52, -2147483648)": 585,
    "List(71, 6)": 7,
    "List(11, 1)": 2,
    "List(71, 2)": 157,
    "List(90, -2147483648)": 399,
    "List(11, -2147483648)": 32,
    "List(41, 3)": 4419,
    "List(24, 3)": 372,
    "List(42, 4)": 43,
    "List(11, 4)": 5,
    "List(95, 7)": 20,
    "List(22, 4)": 2876,
    "List(90, 7)": 2500,
    "List(24, 4)": 100,
    "List(41, -2147483648)": 2068,
    "List(82, 2)": 1716,
    "List(52, 3)": 960,
    "List(42, -2147483648)": 25,
    "List(95, 2)": 2,
    "List(90, 3)": 404,
    "List(52, 2)": 357,
    "List(22, 6)": 47,
    "List(31, -2147483648)": 63,
    "List(95, -2147483648)": 49,
    "List(23, 3)": 1188,
    "List(23, -2147483648)": 7223,
    "List(41, 6)": 62,
    "List(24, -2147483648)": 3148,
    "List(24, 2)": 78,
    "List(21, 2)": 4397,
    "List(22, 3)": 2820,
    "List(52, 6)": 7,
    "List(90, 2)": 108,
    "List(43, 3)": 91,
    "List(71, 7)": 101,
    "List(81, 4)": 2681,
    "List(71, 3)": 221,
    "List(23, 4)": 1062,
    "List(82, 1)": 33

This service should be in a new project, different from summary. Perhaps api.

An initial attempt at this service was made in:

Additionally, this tip from @hectcastro may be useful:

Also, there is a nice way to bootstrap an Akka HTTP project with sbt:

$ sbt -Dsbt.version=0.13.15 new