WikiWatershed / mmw-geoprocessing

A Spark Job Server job for Model My Watershed geoprocessing.
Apache License 2.0
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Adjust .travis.yml & build scripts to build new Akka Http API #58

Closed kellyi closed 6 years ago

kellyi commented 6 years ago


This PR makes a few adjustments to the project in order to have Travis build the new Akka Http jar on releases. The changes here include:

This is preparatory work which Connects



As a consequence of this Travis now runs cibuild for non-release branches of the project; previously, non-deploy branches passed CI each time due to the /bin/true call. I think it makes sense to try to build other branches, but we can revert that and call cibuild in before_deploy if we want all non-release branches to pass.

Testing Instructions

kellyi commented 6 years ago

Forgot to mention that you'll have to have Docker running for cibuild to work locally now. We don't have a VM for this project -- and it's probably unnecessary -- but if we keep it this way I think it makes sense to add a note that cibuild requires Docker to the README.

rajadain commented 6 years ago
  • renaming api project → mmw-geoprocessing-api

Why was this required?

kellyi commented 6 years ago

Why was this required?

Wasn't required per se but since we're building only "project api" here I figured it'd be worth renaming it so that the jar won't be named api-assembly-3.0.0-alpha.jar.

Some alternatives would be: a) keep the name as "api" or b) change it to mmw-geoprocessing and change the previous project to mmw-geoprocessing-summary. Happy to do whichever we'd like.

rajadain commented 6 years ago

Oh hmm. I do want it to be mmw-geoprocessing-api-3.0.0-alpha.jar. But since previously when building the old summary project we'd get a mmw-geoprocessing-summary file, without needing to rename the project mmw-geoprocessing-summary, I guess I'm not clear why that's not happening any more. Is it because of we moved this line?

rajadain commented 6 years ago

Hrrmm I'm also getting Docker for Mac errors running cibuild now:

> kj cibuild
+ mkdir -p /Users/ttuhinanshu/.sbt
+ docker run -v /Users/ttuhinanshu/.ivy2:/root/.ivy2 -v /Users/ttuhinanshu/.sbt:/root/.sbt -v /Users/ttuhinanshu/dev/mmwg:/mmw-geoprocessing -w /mmw-geoprocessing ./sbt 'project mmw-geoprocessing-api' assembly
docker: error during connect: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.31/containers/8235f0dbbe76ee195c02c98a5b1f94c87ec24f5fd4ff1c5c2e0953390534c992/start: EOF.
ERRO[0053] error waiting for container: context canceled
kj: callProcess: /Users/ttuhinanshu/dev/mmwg/scripts/cibuild (exit 125): failed

I think I'd prefer it to be native rather than Dockerized too.

kellyi commented 6 years ago

re: name:

Previously we'd been running ./sbt assemby without any arguments to specify which sub-project to build -- which meant that it built everything collected in the root project here:

In practice, the was only one project aggregated to root before: the summary project. Now that there are two projects in the build, we're running ./sbt "project mmw-geoprocessing-api" assembly to build only this project

Here's the cibuild line from this branch where that happens:

I'll test out building the whole thing with assembly to check that that creates a jar with a server on 8090. If that works, we can just make a jar from the entire build, including the summary job, and skip renaming the api part.

kellyi commented 6 years ago

Oh right: so just running ./sbt assembly will build two jar files: one for "api" and one for "summary". We'd had it set up like this previously, but we were grabbing the "summary" jar for the release:

kellyi commented 6 years ago

Looks like we can do

language: scala
  - openjdk8

I pushed a commit which removes the Dockerized build; here's the Travis output:

rajadain commented 6 years ago

Just conversed with @kellyi IRL, we came to these conclusions:

The reason for the previous setup being named mmw-geoprocessing-assembly and the new one api are because now there are two sub-projects, so each sub-project gets its own JAR file.

hectcastro commented 6 years ago

I agree with keeping it to api.

kellyi commented 6 years ago

Oof -- looks like there's an issue building both sub-projects right now because the build can't find a compatible version of Spark Job Server:

I'm inclined to change cibuild back to ./sbt "project api" assembly for now to avoid the error, since we'll presumably be removing SJS. There's not a specific pointed card for that but I think we should do it as part of #49

kellyi commented 6 years ago

Thanks for all your help with this! Going to merge this then make the 3.0.0-alpha release