WikiWatershed / mmw-geoprocessing

A Spark Job Server job for Model My Watershed geoprocessing.
Apache License 2.0
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Add New Operation For A List of Shapes and List of Operations #80

Closed arottersman closed 6 years ago

arottersman commented 6 years ago

Add a new operation endpoint that can take a list of operations to perform on a list of shapes: a parent shape and its children. Operations in the list should use the existing paradigm where a single operation has operationType and a set of rasters.

To cut down on networking overhead, all tiles should be fetched in the beginning for the parent shape. The operation list should then be performed on each of the children shapes.

Work for this card should include benchmarks on this operation's performance and how it compares to the same set of operation + shape pairs submitted separately.

See the ADR proposing these changes here.