Closed rajadain closed 10 hours ago
Should use the following script to ingest them:
ogr2ogr -progress -if "Parquet" \
-f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost user=mmw dbname=mmw password=XXX" \
-nln tdxbasins \
-lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geom \
-append -skipfailures \
Once imported, we should create this index to help with delineation:
CREATE INDEX idx_tdxbasins_root_discover_finish
ON tdxbasins (root_id, discover_time, finish_time);
Once that is in place, we can use the following query to delineate a watershed, given a basin clicked by the user:
WITH target AS (SELECT *
FROM tdxbasins
WHERE linkno = ?)
SELECT ST_Union(geom)
FROM tdxbasins
WHERE root_id = (SELECT root_id FROM target)
AND discover_time <= (SELECT discover_time FROM target)
AND finish_time >= (SELECT finish_time FROM target);
Data has been ingested on Staging successfully. Now exporting for reuse using:
env PGPASSWORD=xxx pg_dump --clean --if-exists --no-owner --dbname=modelmywatershed --username=modelmywatershed --host=database.service.mmw.internal --table=tdxbasins --compress=9 --verbose > tdxbasins.sql.gz
Data exported to s3://
Ingest the TDX Hydro Global Basins dataset into Postgres. This should match the additional fields added to the streams in #3646.
The source data will be made available by @ptomasula at
. Once it is:ogr2ogr