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Adapt uib-pagination to browse view #95

Closed guenthermi closed 8 years ago

guenthermi commented 8 years ago

related to #80

arsylum commented 8 years ago

Note: The ACTIVE_INDEX_CAPTION_TEXT ("Showing {{from}} - {{to}} of {{total}} entities.") should not use the word "entities" since rows in a paginated table will not necessarily always represent entities. I realized that this string is problematic when I created it (because "results" is also not a fitting term for the rows in the browse view tables) but failed to implement a cleaner solution at the time.

I propose to use "rows" or a similarly ambiguous term, or make the translation more flexible (but also more complicated)

guenthermi commented 8 years ago

yes, I thought we can let "entities", since there is no other use case at the moment, but you are right I can make the translation more flexible.