Wikidata / Wikidata-Toolkit

Java library to interact with Wikibase
Apache License 2.0
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Maven signing fails for javadocs #51

Closed mkroetzsch closed 10 years ago

mkroetzsch commented 10 years ago

The signing of jars with Maven -Psign fails for javadoc jars with the current configuration (BAD signature). The apparent reason for this is that the javadoc jar is modified after the signature is created, as can be seen from the time stamps of the files in the target directory. Maven needs to be reconfigured to sign the javadocs only after they are done.

The invalid signatures are the reason why the upload at sonatype does not work yet.

mkroetzsch commented 10 years ago


The correct command to create signed packages is:

 mvn clean install -Psign

or (if you don't care about typing your passphrase into a command line):

mvn clean install -Psign -Dgpg.passphrase=x