Wikidepia / InstaFix

Fix Instagram embeds in Discord (and Telegram!)
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Preview for one Instagram Reel shows as a still image in Discord & Telegram #58

Open superrpotion opened 6 months ago

superrpotion commented 6 months ago

Link in question:

What it looks like on Telegram: IMG_6072

What it looks like on Discord: IMG_6071

Is there any way to “refresh” the preview so it shows the video properly? Thank you!

superrpotion commented 6 months ago

Found another link with the same issue:

Codingale commented 6 months ago

Friend shared this URL with a similar issue:

Maybe all /reel/ posts have issues right now, as that one simply says post not found.

superrpotion commented 6 months ago

Friend shared this URL with a similar issue:

Maybe all /reel/ posts have issues right now, as that one simply says post not found.

I don’t believe all reels have the issue, I’ve managed to send quite a few reels with working previews.

Here’s some examples of reels that generate a video preview properly:

Maybe there’s something that all the videos who can’t generate a preview have in common? Not sure what though.

. .

But while we’re on the topic, I found this reel which did not generate a media preview, only the text in the caption. Link:

Telegram preview: image

Wikidepia commented 6 months ago

Link in question:

Yes this is known issue, currently InstaFix is blocked from accessing certain reels, so it will only show the thumbnails. (This is what blocked looks like:

But while we’re on the topic, I found this reel which did not generate a media preview, only the text in the caption. Link:

Sometimes video bigger than 20MB cannot be embed, this is limitation from Telegram.

superrpotion commented 6 months ago

Link in question:

Yes this is known issue, currently InstaFix is blocked from accessing certain reels, so it will only show the thumbnails. (This is what blocked looks like:

Thank you for the explanation. So these two links are also the result of Instagram blocking InstaFix from viewing the embed?