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Issue with picture showing over the username. #7

Open sgtjimmyrustles opened 6 years ago

sgtjimmyrustles commented 6 years ago

So I'm running mediawiki 1.29 and after installing everything needed, I have an issue where my profile picture overlaps my username when I'm looking at a page. It states "A creation by "username" in : Electronics for example, but my profile picture is covering my username. I'll include a screenshot in a bit.

sgtjimmyrustles commented 6 years ago

issue with wikifab

sgtjimmyrustles commented 6 years ago

That's what I'm seeing all the time, did I miss something at all?

ClementFlipo commented 6 years ago

Hi @sgtjimmyrustles, My I ask which method did you follow to install your Wikifab instance? You can fix this issue by adding the following code into the file chameleon-wikifab.less

#bodyContent .tuto-details-autor-revision .tuto-details-author-box a.image { display:inline-block; }

This problem will be fix in the next version of Wikifab. Thanks Clément

petervanderwalt commented 6 years ago

Added this to chameleon-wikifab.less but i assume I'm being too old school and need to compile the less with composer or something like that? Doesnt seem to fix the issue just adding it (:

JaviRoch commented 6 years ago

You can add an instruction to LocalSettings to remove the less cache. It is important once you finish the development, eliminate the instruction.

\Bootstrap\BootstrapManager::getInstance()->addCacheTriggerFile( DIR . '/skins/wikifabStyleModule/??????.less' );