Wikiki / bulma-checkradio

Bulma's extension to display better checkbox and radio imputs
MIT License
71 stars 45 forks source link

Override primary color using css #38

Closed joselevelsup closed 3 years ago

joselevelsup commented 5 years ago

I'm struggling to change the primary color for the checkboxes and radio buttons. I already have it changed in my main css file for bulma. Any recommendations (using css. Not using sass)

Wikiki commented 5 years ago


How did you do the change for the rest of your CSS ? To replace it directly within the CSS file, just search and replace the hex value of primary color (#00d1b2)

joselevelsup commented 5 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply. For the change in the rest of my file, I just set the .is-primary class to be the color I want. Then I appended that .is-primary class to the checkbox element with the .is-checkradio class but still no color change. All this is done in my root (or global) css file.

Wikiki commented 5 years ago


applying is-primary class to is-checkradio will not work. Colors are used on pseudo-elements :before and :after. If you don't want to edit the sass fil you have to manually find all .is-primary references from the min.css file of the extension to find all css rules using it and replacing the hex value.

cilim commented 5 years ago

@joselevelsup maybe this issue is tied to what I experienced. Described in issue