Open vcmirko opened 2 years ago
The scss file needs to be there and load the original sass file. Would be great to add this to the package. PM me if you need help.
<template> <span> <input :type="checktype" :id="_uid" class="is-checkradio" :class="type" :value="val" v-model="checked" focus="prevent"> <label :for="_uid"> {{ label }}</label> </span> </template> <script> import Vue from 'vue' import BulmaCheckRadio from "bulma-checkradio" import "../../public/assets/bulma_checkradio.scss" export default{ name:"BulmaRadio", props: ['type','value', 'val','label','checktype'], data () { return { } }, computed: { checked: { get() { return this.value }, set(value) { this.$emit('input', value) this.$emit('change') } } }, methods:{ prevent(e){ e.preventDefault() } } } </script>
Usage in vue:
<BulmaCheckRadio :val="radiovalue" checktype="radio" v-for="radiovalue in field.values" :key="prefix+'_'+radiovalue" v-model="myRadioField" :name="myRadioFieldName" :type="{'is-danger is-block':hasError}" :label="radiovalue" @change="doSomething" />
<BulmaCheckRadio checktype="checkbox" v-model="myCheckboxField" :name="myCheckboxFieldName" :type="{'is-danger is-block':hasError}" :label="My label" @change="doSomething" />
The scss file needs to be there and load the original sass file. Would be great to add this to the package. PM me if you need help.
Usage in vue: