Open vcmirko opened 2 years ago
You must add the scss file where you load the original sass. Would be great if you could add this to package.
<template> <span> <input type="checkbox" :id="_uid" class="switch" :class="type" :value="val" v-model="checked"> <label :for="_uid"> {{ label }}</label> </span> </template> <script> import Vue from 'vue' import BulmaSwitch from "bulma-switch" import "../../public/assets/bulma_switch.scss" export default{ name:"BulmaSwitch", props: ['type','value', 'val','label'], data () { return { } }, computed: { checked: { get() { return this.value }, set(value) { this.$emit('input', value) } } } } </script>
Usage in vue:
<div class="control mb-2"> <BulmaSwitch v-model="myBooleanVariable" type="is-rounded is-warning" label="Your label" /> </div>
You must add the scss file where you load the original sass. Would be great if you could add this to package.
Usage in vue: