Wikitude / wikitude-cordova-plugin

Wikitude's Augmented Reality Plugin for Cordova - working together with the Wikitude SDK library for Android and iOS. Provides image recognition and tracking, geo-based augmente reality and 3D rendering and animations in an augmented reality scene
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Error uploading app to iTunes store due to framework issues #130

Closed timkim closed 6 years ago

timkim commented 6 years ago

So I'm trying to upload the PhoneGap Developer App to the iTunes store but I keep getting rejected in the process. It appears that there are some wikitude framework issues that I'm unfamiliar with and unsure how to solve.

I've tried building with xcode 8.3.3 and even 9 but I still get the same issues. Attached is an image showing the errors I'm getting when I try to deliver my app.

timkim commented 6 years ago

The PhoneGap Developer App Repo: My custom wikitude plugin repo:

To note, I got around that annoying install issue where the plugin was too large by publishing it to npm under its own name: which points to the repo:

nilebma commented 6 years ago

@timkim : about this problem, you should see this thread on wikitude forum :

AndreasSchacherbauerWikitude commented 6 years ago

Hi @all, We released a minor update to our SDK just recently. We now have some scripts included that can be used to remove simulator architectures. The process is documented here.

Best regards, Andreas

timkim commented 6 years ago

Hi again,

So I tried to upgrade to 7.1.0 but my submissions were being rejected because parts of the wikitude framework (some scripts for piecing the framework back together) weren't being code signed. This generated an error error itms-90035 from Application Loader.

I finally got it the app to submit to the store successfully by downgrading to 7.0.0 and using the stackoverflow solution from @nilebma's link.

AndreasSchacherbauerWikitude commented 6 years ago

Hi @timkim, You should be able to use our SDK 7.1.0. Simply put the scripts, like described in my previous post, in the final Xcode project and archive the app.

How did you generate the .app bundle for the App Store?

Best regards, Andreas

timkim commented 6 years ago

Hi @AndreasFoetschlWikitude

Ya, I tried but I kept on running into errors. Not sure what the deal was but, I managed to make it work.

Here are the steps:

AndreasSchacherbauerWikitude commented 6 years ago

Hi @timkim, I guess you're missing just one step: After your second step, add the Wikitude strip script to the Xcode projects 'Build Phases' like described here.

timkim commented 6 years ago

Ahh, well I'll try that giving a go for the next release of the dev app.

AndreasSchacherbauerWikitude commented 6 years ago

ok, great! let us know if you encounter any problems the next time you submit your app