Wikunia / brackets-FuncDocr

FuncDocr generates JS/PHPDoc annotations for your functions
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Conflict with other language syntax hint extensions? #23

Closed qyouqme closed 9 years ago

qyouqme commented 9 years ago

Hi man,your extension works fine.But my other language syntax hint extensions all stop.eg:brackets-wp-functions-hint,brackets-php-syntax-hint.I want to work with them together... I tested,without your extension,they work fine.

Wikunia commented 9 years ago

Can you send me your debug log? I'll have some errors with brackets-php-syntax-hint but I could resolve them inside brackets-php-syntax-hint and not inside FuncDocr

qyouqme commented 9 years ago

Ok tomorrow send to you. It's midnight now. I have on bed. Thank you for reply.


Ole Kröger notifications@github.com编写:

Can you send me your debug log? I'll have some errors with brackets-php-syntax-hint but I could resolve them inside brackets-php-syntax-hint and not inside FuncDocr

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

qyouqme commented 9 years ago

Download the React DevTools for a better development experience: http://fb.me/react-devtools /command/KeyBindingManager.js:730 Cannot assign Ctrl-Alt-C to e4b.RESET_ALL. It is already assigned to codefolding.collapse /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:87 NodeSocketTransport - start /utils/DeprecationWarning.js:88 Use WorkspaceManager.createBottomPanel() instead of PanelManager.createBottomPanel(). at Object.exports.createBottomPanel (/view/PanelManager.js:53:28) at file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-emmet/prompt.js:52:24 at _callHandler (/utils/AppInit.js:93:13) at Object._dispatchReady (/utils/AppInit.js:113:13) at Object.eval (/brackets.js:290:33) at j (file:///D:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Brackets/www/thirdparty/thirdparty.min.js:559:26860) at Object.k.add as done at Object.d.always (file:///D:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Brackets/www/thirdparty/thirdparty.min.js:559:28045) at Object.eval (/brackets.js:288:30) /command/KeyBindingManager.js:730 Cannot assign Ctrl-Shift-Up to io.emmet.increment_number_by_1. It is already assigned to edit.lineUp/command/KeyBindingManager.js:730 _addBinding /command/KeyBindingManager.js:730 Cannot assign Ctrl-Shift-Down to io.emmet.decrement_number_by_1. It is already assigned to edit.lineDown/command/KeyBindingManager.js:730 _addBinding /command/KeyBindingManager.js:730 Cannot assign Ctrl-Alt-X to e4b.TOGGLE_PANEL. It is already assigned to codefolding.expand/command/KeyBindingManager.js:730 addBinding https://s3.amazonaws.com/extend.brackets/registry.json?=1420684190221 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMEDOUT https://s3.amazonaws.com/extend.brackets/registry.json?=1420684190224 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMEDOUT https://s3.amazonaws.com/extend.brackets/registry.json?=1420684190225 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMEDOUT http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.brackets.io/updates/stable/en.json?=1420684190220 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET /utils/EventDispatcher.js:224 Exception in 'editorChange' listener on Editor TypeError: undefined is not a function TypeError: undefined is not a function at WPhints.getHints (file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-wp-functions-hint/main.js:114:39) at _updateHintList (/editor/CodeHintManager.js:420:40) at _beginSession (/editor/CodeHintManager.js:509:13) at _handleChange (/editor/CodeHintManager.js:623:17) at Editor.trigger (/utils/EventDispatcher.js:222:40) at Editor._handleEditorChange (/editor/Editor.js:804:14) at eval (/editor/Editor.js:341:18) at Editor.trigger (/utils/EventDispatcher.js:222:40) at eval (/editor/Editor.js:875:18) at CodeMirror.signal (/thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror.js:7213:49)/utils/EventDispatcher.js:224 trigger /utils/EventDispatcher.js:225 Assertion failed:/utils/EventDispatcher.js:225 trigger /utils/EventDispatcher.js:224 Exception in 'editorChange' listener on Editor TypeError: undefined is not a function TypeError: undefined is not a function at WPhints.hasHints (file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-wp-functions-hint/main.js:74:43) at eval (/editor/CodeHintManager.js:480:31) at Array.some (native) at _beginSession (/editor/CodeHintManager.js:479:26) at _handleChange (/editor/CodeHintManager.js:623:17) at Editor.trigger (/utils/EventDispatcher.js:222:40) at Editor._handleEditorChange (/editor/Editor.js:804:14) at eval (/editor/Editor.js:341:18) at Editor.trigger (/utils/EventDispatcher.js:222:40) at eval (/editor/Editor.js:875:18)/utils/EventDispatcher.js:224 trigger /utils/EventDispatcher.js:225 Assertion failed:/utils/EventDispatcher.js:225 trigger /utils/EventDispatcher.js:224 Exception in 'editorChange' listener on Editor TypeError: undefined is not a function TypeError: undefined is not a function at WPhints.getHints (file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-wp-functions-hint/main.js:114:39) at _updateHintList (/editor/CodeHintManager.js:420:40) at _beginSession (/editor/CodeHintManager.js:509:13) at _handleChange (/editor/CodeHintManager.js:623:17) at Editor.trigger (/utils/EventDispatcher.js:222:40) at Editor._handleEditorChange (/editor/Editor.js:804:14) at eval (/editor/Editor.js:341:18) at Editor.trigger (/utils/EventDispatcher.js:222:40) at eval (/editor/Editor.js:875:18) at CodeMirror.signal (/thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror.js:7213:49)/utils/EventDispatcher.js:224 trigger /utils/EventDispatcher.js:225 Assertion failed:/utils/EventDispatcher.js:225 trigger

Wikunia commented 9 years ago

你好! When does this happen? So after using special keys or after using FuncDocr ones or...

qyouqme commented 9 years ago

Just open Brackets,this happen.With FuncDocr ,have these errors.Without FuncDocr,have less errors.

Wikunia commented 9 years ago

谢谢! one more question: you wrote the extensions doesn't work so you mean they have no function at all or are there only some functions that doesn't work? Btw. there are no php-syntax hint errors in your log.

我今天看!(or how would you say: I will have a look later today? Just started learing Chinese 2 month ago ;) )

qyouqme commented 9 years ago

Your extension is useful.It can work fine alone.It just can't work with some other extensions together.Good work,man!

" I will have a look later today?" in Chinese is "我今天晚些时候会看一下?".

Wikunia commented 9 years ago

Way too long (Chinese) :D I resolved the problem inside the brackets wp hint extension and it's the same in the brackets php syntax hint extension which unfortunately has no repository but you can change the same thing or I can send you the changed code :)

Have a nice day!

qyouqme commented 9 years ago

I just know a little html,css,js and php.So please send the changed code to me.Thank you very much.

Wikunia commented 9 years ago

You have a new mail!