WilCrofter / BuzzHash

A Julia package based on S. Dasgupta, C. F. Stevens, and S. Navlakha (2017). A neural algorithm for a fundamental computing problem. Science, 358, 6364:793-796.
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example code #1

Closed guoxiaolu closed 6 years ago

guoxiaolu commented 6 years ago

Brilliant job, I have just seen this interesting paper, and find the open source code. I have seen your code, but it seems there isn't an example code. Can you give an example code? Thank you very much.

WilCrofter commented 6 years ago

Thanks, @guoxiaolu. You are absolutely right, examples are needed. I pushed to github earlier than I might have because a friend from NIA was interested. I've been preoccupied with another project (lame--I know :-D ) but that is stable, so an example is now my top priority.

Have you seen @dataplayer12's Python implementation and his very nice explanatory post at Medium?

dataplayer12 commented 6 years ago

Thanks @WilCrofter for taking note. @guoxiaolu please see the jupyter notebook in my repo for quickly trying out the algorithm. Also, if you use an autoencoder (as I explain in my post on Medium), you can get even better performance.

guoxiaolu commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much, it is helpful. and @dataplayer12 code runs correctly, and helps me understanding.