Android app for the Officer's Fishery Information Sharing Hub (O-FISH). The mobile app allows fisheries officers to document and share critical information gathered during a routine vessel inspection.
Both dark and light modes should follow the color key and specs above (it is possible that the current light mode is not), and colors should be stored in:
Please make sure to TEST your build on a device or emulator to verify everything has changed - you can get a login and realm-app-id with easy instructions at
This issue depends on #368 being completed.
When Dark Mode is on - the Vessel Information page should look like this: (Note that there is a separate issue for pull-down menus.)
Color key for light mode: Color key for dark mode: Component Color specs for light mode: Component Color specs for dark mode:
Both dark and light modes should follow the color key and specs above (it is possible that the current light mode is not), and colors should be stored in: app/src/main/res/values-night/colors.xml app/src/main/res/values/colors.xml
Please make sure to TEST your build on a device or emulator to verify everything has changed - you can get a login and realm-app-id with easy instructions at