WildCodeSchool / 2022-09-JS-RemoteEN-Project-2-Team-2

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⌛ Landing Page Design Tasks Sprint 1 ⌛ #19

Open dreanx opened 2 years ago

dreanx commented 2 years ago

⚠️ATOMIC COMMITS => Make commits for every changes you make (you can also push). No MERGE until Sprint Meetings⚠️

dreanx commented 2 years ago

In order to prepare the coding process of retrieving data from our chosen weather API to indicate multiple weather parameters in the selected city by the user, we need to first implement a "dummy" page with fake informations that we will choose ourselves.

After this design step is implemented, it should be easier to start the coding process to replace those arbitrary data by the one's from our API.

This will require to create 2 distinct react components :

The first one is the input box in which the user will choose the city he wants the weather from (fetched from our citysearch API) The second one is the chosen city's box displaying the weather informations : the icon reflecting the current weather & the current temperature (with possibly also wind speed, humidity and air quality to test them out (even though they'll appear in another component in our project)) The rest of the landing page (Sprint 1/2) Making desktop? => Probably in sprint 2

RussellCorpuz commented 2 years ago


dreanx commented 2 years ago
